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 Stand and Fight!

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Anzahl der Beiträge : 146
Alter : 36
Ort : Worms-Ibersheim, R-P
Anmeldedatum : 02.02.08

Stand and Fight! Empty
BeitragThema: Stand and Fight!   Stand and Fight! EmptyFr Jul 04, 2008 11:51 pm

Stand and Fight!

Everytime I try to fly,
To fight the fear, to be a hero,
I fall down and so I cry,
Again im falling to ground zero.

I can't believe in destiny,
I know that I am free to live,
I'm a living entity,
I'll grave my life without a shiv.

And so I'll face that pointless doom,
I will stand up and fight again,
For life and for that shiny loom,
I damn that time in past I ran!

I will fall, but that's the law,
The life is hard but death's too easy,
Death is giving me its claw,
But I don't like my way that peasy!

So everytime I will revive,
I'll stand and fight, I'll never run,
For good reasons I'll survive,
And so my life has just begun!
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